How to deal with your feelings during Covid-19


Feeling depressed and lonely is so normal in today’s world.


I think many of us feel it has increased in the passing weeks.

As we have entered a new phase of normal. The thing is how do we begin to push those feelings down how do we see the path forward. Now if you’re going through quarantine alone like I am I bet you can relate.

I would get up and have very little drive to do anything that’s how it started for me an overwhelming feeling of doubt. Then that feeling slowly changed as isolation became more widespread and grew I began to form to this new normal. I was experiencing.

It was somehow comforting knowing everyone’s going through the same thing.  So, what can you do during this time to keep yourself sane? For me it all begins with self-reflection I’ve done allot of analysis into what I want in the future and the virus has helped me realize how far of that path I was. See the thing was before this I was settled, but this has uprooted everyone and made me want to change things.

For one I don’t want to care about the same vapid bullshit I did, my problems which always seemed to cause me anxiety don’t in the face of this. I want to remember along the way to appreciate all the little moments in life. I think for everyone its different for me, it is to make lasting connections, to not sweat the little things and to take better care of my mental health and body.

Finding excuses not to get things done and putting things off without another thought. Appreciating that humanity had lost sight of what was important family, friends, moments in time that’s what will really matter in the end. So, my advice everyone’s going to handles this differently but where all in it together. Listen to science click bait will just depress you. All is temporary and above all we are all in this together.

I know one day this will all be over but the best we can take from a situation is to learn and grow. If we take the small positives we can find whether it be spending more time with your kids, having time to improve your fitness routine or even connecting with an old friend. We have to look for the good the little things because if we don’t where is our hope.