Feed Your Feel Good
Georgia Sansone Believes in honesty, her passion lies in creativity.
She has been a hairstylist for 22 years. Her love for her family and
Doing the right thing takes center stage in her life. Her column
Explores different topics from her own perspective and honest
Have you been struggling this past year looking for your “feel good?” Struggling, possibly because we are looking for others to make us feel good. If yes, then you will be looking for a long time.
We are all going through this crazy time together. There is absolutely no one size fits all to the year of 2020. But what I can tell you is that if you stay diligent, if you keep moving forward, your “feel good” will keep getting better.
I do not personally believe in New Year’s Resolutions. They can set you up for failure and you could be set back at any moment in time. Instead, I believe in goals. Working toward feeling better about yourself inside and out will lead to improving every other aspect of your life.
Do you wake up and struggle to get out of bed in the morning? Do you lay in bed trolling through the news and social media with one eye feeling envy or self-righteousness or judging others? Do you wait for comments on the selfie you posted wondering if you just posted at the wrong time because you did not get as many likes as others? I know that feeling and it is not good. Feeling lonely in this huge world? The list goes on and on. Nothing will make you feel better …except changing inside out.
Determination to feel better is a move in the right direction. Maybe you are already determined to find your purpose, find the right job, change your eating habits, exercise more, and have a better beauty routine. Without being determined to change these things, they won’t happen.
Starting with changing very small things is a step in the right direction. Work on making your resume modern. Move 20 more minutes each day. Eat more vegetables, notice how I didn’t say detox. Wash your face morning and night (take that makeup off). Blow-dry and style your hair once a week. Just making these few changes will start to make you feel good on the inside.
Progress does not need to be huge to begin noticing the changes. The more you feel good, the more you want to feel good. Being determined to make small changes reaps huge rewards.
There is no one size fits all in life. You need to do what works for you and your lifestyle. Only make changes for you which in turn will benefit others by you radiating personal self-growth and grace.
Remember hearing Rome wasn’t built in a day? It’s true. You will and can fail and it is OK. You need to learn and adjust. What is not OK is giving up. Giving up will get you nowhere.
Learn the word DISCIPLINE. We are not born with it but we can be taught discipline. And our only teacher of discipline is ourselves. So, set your alarm to wake up every day at the same time. Establish your new routine with discipline, determination, and diligence. There is no quick fix. Trust me, I have tried. It’s hard work. The reward is absolutely amazing and you will radiate from the inside out. Everyone will want to know what you did to live your “best life” and it won’t be the material things that get you there. It will be you.
I have a few tips with small changes that will be a good start to get to your “feel good.”
1. Have a morning routine. Wake up at the same time every day. Your routine will set the tone for your entire day. Allow yourself an occasional reward to sleep in once in a while but still begin your day with your routine. (Wash face, get dressed, make your bed.)
2. Move 20 more minutes each day than normal, cleaning your house/apt. Go for a walk etc. MOVE MORE
3. Eat vegetables at 2 meals.
4. Wash and blow-dry your hair as if you're walking the red carpet. This is my favorite especially because the compliments you receive will last a long time.
None of these tips cost money nor take much time. All my tips will make you feel good on the inside. We are working on the inside out.
Cheers to a New Year and a better you!